Wednesday, September 26, 2007

80% Of Us May Suffer From It - How To Avoid Lower Back Pain

The most common cause of lower back pain is an injury or sprain initiated by lifting or moving of a heavy object, heavy beyond average human limits or a sprain caused due to vigorous physical activity.
Another significant reason is poor posture, while working, sitting or sleeping. This kind of lower back pain can be prevented. The lower back pain in these instances is caused by too less or no physical activity, due to which the muscles that support your spinal cord become weaker due to non-usage. Exercise on a daily basis can be great aphrodisiac to prevent this kind of lower back pain. Exercise conditions the "de-conditioned" muscles, so that they do their job properly.
Again, research has time and again shown that cardiovascular exercise like cycling, brisk walking, swimming etc can greatly reduce and prevent lower back pain. The cardiovascular exercises have been proven to be excellent for general health, and most beneficial to muscle conditioning. Making a habit of doing these exercises for about 20 to 30 minutes on a daily basis would prove to be a life long boon.
Once you begin with a cardiovascular exercise, quitting it the easiest part. Assigning many reasons to it is just to avoid doing the exercise. How to keep it going? How to adapt to a healthier lifestyle and quit procrastinating? Motivation is the key.
The first step to take would be to implement some self discipline and find ways to get some exercise. Trying going up the stairs, the last two floors by quitting the lift two floors down, park your car a few hundred meters away from your destination. This certainly helps you to get a fair amount of exercise without any conscious effort on your part.
Find a friend at the gym that is committed to the schedule and a real fitness freak. He will drag you to the gym until it becomes a habit for you. Similarly find someone who believes in health food and let him show you his culinary skills. During this process make an effort to keep a small note of your short term goals. Tick them off when you achieve them and you will be surprised at own progress.
The last resort when the above fails is to motivate yourself and promise yourself when that lower back pain of yours is at its worst. Or better still, keep a personal trainer, he will guide you the right way and motivate you to keep the regimen going. Pay to motivate, you will be amazed at your progress over a very short period of time.
Almost the whole world would advise you that exercise in any form is good for you. Better still, the same people when they suffer from a lower back pain refrain from doing any exercise. This tendency can have disastrous after effects. The lower back pain has been caused due to weak back muscles.
The exercises you have been doing previous to the pain have been strengthening your back to a certain extent. When you avoid them, your back muscles will go from bad to worse creating a situation where the lower back pain only goes upwards. This is a cycle and it will persist, unless you really make a hard decision and come out of the loop and get back to your good habits of exercising again.
Treat that nagging lower back pain of yours before it gets worse and treat it the most natural way... Exercise.

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